NBLC Ayurveda Clinic

Nblc Ayurveda Clinic is managed by Dr. Suneet Sekhri (BAMS). Dr. Sekhri has a Team of ayurvedic doctors including Dr. Anunay Dhondial, Dr V.K.Thakur, Dr. Dalip Verma and Dr. Kewal Krishan Arora (Sexologist). All these ayurvedic practitioners have a clear belief in ayurveda as an ancient and reliable medicinal science for mankind without any side effects.

Dr. Suneet sekhri has a unique Ideology of Music & Health. According to Dr. sekhri Soothing music helps a lot to destress instantly and does a positive impact on Mental health and can do wonders with mood swings to pleasure. Dr sekhri himself is a professional singer and does party shows with his own Sargam musical group managed by his soulmate Bhupender sharma.

Why One Should Prefer Ayurvedic Treatment?
  • To maintain the health of a healthy person (guided diet & life style management program according to one’s prakriti & natural supplements for immunity enhancement)
  • To reach the root cause of a disease and resolve it through dietary guidelines and ayurvedic medicines with proper do’s and don’ts in the life style
  • Diagnosis through nadi (pulse) inspection & other required tests
  • Satisfaction of the patient is our prime concern
  • Detoxification of the body through panchkarma therapy and by natural detoxification & herbal natural alternatives, which are free from harmful chemicals and without any side effects

Nblc Ayurveda Clinic Is Having A Specialization In The Following Diseases :
  • Vericose veins
  • Hyper tension (High BP)
  • Acidity & other digestive disorders
  • Kidney stones
  • Fatty liver and liver cirrouses
  • Female periods disorders
  • PCOD
  • Erectyle dysfunction (ED)
  • Infertility
  • Leukoderma, pimples, etc.
  • Depression
  • Obesity & weight management
  • Cholesterol control & Heart disorders
  • Piles & constipation
  • Sleep disorders
  • Joints pains
  • Hairfall & dandruff
  • Chronic cough, cold & allergies
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Sexual diseases

Why Panchakarma?
  • To eliminate the toxic matter from the body
  • To enhance the power of digestion and metabolism
  • To eliminate diseases from the very root
  • To restore normal health
  • To gain the strength, increase the virility and improve the progeny
  • To rejuvenate and bring back youthfulness
  • To increase the power of sense organs and motor organs

Panchkarma is a part of the purification and detoxification therapies of Ayurveda. ‘Panch’ means five and ‘Karma’ means actions so literally translated, it is a set of five systematic actions used for purification of the body. It is used to bring the aggravated doshas into balance and to flush out the accumulated ‘ama’ toxins from the body using the normal modes of elimination like the intestines, sweat glands and the urinary tract.

Elimination is a natural body instinct but over a period of time, and in cases of dosha imbalance these wastes are not effectively eliminated from the body. These wastes tend to stick into the minute channels of the body known as the ‘srotas’ and start producing disease. Panchkarma is considered to be the most radical way to cleanse the body and thereby eliminate, once and for all the disease causing doshas and the toxins.

Ayurveda recommends that everyone needs the Panchkarma. Ideally it should be done three times a year, at the turn of spring, fall and winter so that body should remain detoxified. For detoxification and de-stress our Panchkarma health treatments (massages, shirodhara and basti treatments etc.) is very useful. Our other valuable health care programs include yoga exercises and pranayama breathing exercises, meditation. Our other treatments include steam bath, shankh prasalan, enema, herbal oil messages and yog-asanas, meditations. Netra Tarpana (Eye bath), Netra dhara (Eye cleansing), sweda (steam bath), Navrakizhi (rejuventation massage with cooked rice in milk), Talpodchil (Herbal paste is pasted on head), shivopicho (medicated oil is applied on head), pizhichil (Medicated milk massage), Udvartana (Massage by herbal powders), padaghata (massage by feet) Janu basti (knee is bathed in medicated oils).

The Five Steps Are As Follows :
  • Vamana – use of emetics – artificial vomiting is induced using herbs like, strong teas of locorice, salt, calamus. It is usually indicated for people and disorders of ‘Kapha’ (phlegm).
  • Virechan – use of laxatives / pergatives – A strong purgative like senna or rhubarb is given. It is normally used to eliminate high Pitta (fire) from its site in the small intestines.
  • Basti – use of medicated enemas – cleaning enemas are used primarily to dispel high Vata(air) from the colon.
  • Nasya – Nasal administration – medicinal oils or herbal mixtures are inhaled or used as drops (mixed with oils or ghee) to clear the congestion in the sinuses. It is also good for balancing the ‘prana vata’.
  • Rakta Mokshana – blood letting – this is not much in use these a days except in oriental systems of medicine.

There are treatments given before and after the panchkarma. These specialty therapies are advocated in the ancient textbooks of Ayurveda and practiced by Ayurvedacharyas since time immemorial, for the management of various disorders. These therapies are extremely beneficial for various chronic disorders of the body.

We have our own panchkarma clinic in Delhi. Our associated clinics are in Trivendrum, Goa and Bangalore and Palampur (H.P). You are welcome to book your program of treatment in 15 days advance. We have three programs for the treatment.
  • Normal body cleansing programme - 7 days
  • Intensive body cleansing programme-- 15days
  • Complete body cleansing programme- 30 days
  • Instant treatments (as per requirement) - 1 to 3 hours

Since the mythological age, when the concept of Sanjeevani herb had been laid down, natural pure herb products in the form of powders, tablets, capsules, tinctures and ras have continued to be the resort of the people for curing diseases when other allopathic medicines fail. To help you out in such situations, we stand supreme as one of the leading herbal products suppliers based in India. . These medicinal herbal treatments rejuvenate your body by eliminating the root cause of your troubles. They are effective against many diseases and psychological problems like depression, indigestion and gastric trouble, liver, anemia, cough and bronchitis, longevity, paralysis, cancerous ulcers and for general well-being.

We undertake safe (without any side effects) ayurvedic treatments for the following disorders :
  • Erectile dysfunction (Dr. kewal arora vaidyaratna)
  • Low libido or sex drive (Dr. kewal arora)
  • Infertility (Dr. V.k. Thakur BAMS)
  • Vaginitis (Dr. v.k. Thakur)
  • Hypertension (DR. anunay dhondial)
  • Skin disorders (Dr. V.K. Thakur)
  • Arthritis (DR. anunay dhondial)
  • Heart disorders (Dr. anunay dhondial)
  • Liver disorders (Dr. anunay dhondial)
  • Diabetes (Dr. V.k. Thakur)
  • Piles & constipation (Dr. Kewal Arora)
  • Depression (Dr. Anu Dhondial)
  • Sleep disorders (Dr. V.K. Thakur)


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Contact Us


D-144, Shankar Road Market, New Rajinder Nagar, Rajinder Nagar, Delhi - 110060, India

Call Us : View Mobile Number

Phone : +91-11-42411338, +91-11-64728311

E-mail : arun_nblc@hotmail.com


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